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Purley Rotary Swimathon


Updated: Sep 13, 2022

WOW, our Purley Rotary Swimathon team did so well! We had a smaller team this year, with just 5 children, but the effort they put in was brilliant, they didn’t stop trying hard and managed to complete an incredible 92 laps, they even got fancy and tried out different strokes and a bit of underwater gymnastics for good measure. They also did a super job of getting sponsorship and surpassed their target of £500!

We couldn’t be prouder, well done Sonny, Sirena, Maya, Savanna and Tallie and a very big thank you to Purley Rotary for organising such a great event. We will definitely be back next year and we hope more of you can join us. #purleyrotary #purleyrotaryswimathon #swimathon #smallcharity #ukcharity #childrensswimathon #newaddingtonleisurecentre #swimming #fundraisingforcharity #childrenscharity #dogood #raisingmoney #localcharity #spreadsomesunshine #spreadsomesunshinecharity #smallcharities #bettertogether



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